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In the Right Place at The Right Time

A hospital in East Kalimantan wanted to improve its stroke care, so the universe seated a retired neurologist and a rookie consultant next to each other on a plane . . .

I Mentorship Brazil

Experience sharing among professionals is an important benefit of belonging to the Angels community. Now Angels Brazil have created a platform specifically for peer learning and inspiration.

Healthcare Revolution | The Florence Nightingale of Kasargod

Like the “lady with the lamp”, Dr Mohammed Shameem Kattathadka has lead transformation at his hospital, and adopted practices that save lives. Now recognized with a diamond award, this beacon of hope continues to spread its light.

Courage, stamina & dreams

Doctors from the first two hospitals in Iraq to receive international recognition for stroke care excellence share their stories.

All together now

A chance encounter at this year's WSC revealed the magic of the Angels community, writes Jan van der Merwe in this year's final edition of The Angels Journey.

Counting on Community in Khmelnytskyi

The three districts that make up Khmelnytska Oblast weren’t obvious candidates to become Ukraine’s first Angels Regions – but proactive leadership and purposeful community building ensured their place in the record books.